Comedian 2Mbili Claims Involvement in the Creation of Citizen TV's 10 Over 10 Show

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Comedian 2Mbili has recently made claims that he was one of the individuals involved in the conception of the popular Citizen TV show, 10 over 10. In an interview with SPM Buzz, he mentioned not being included in the shortlist to replace departing host Willis Raburu. These allegations have sparked interest and raised questions regarding the show's origins and the selection process for its hosts.

Claim of Involvement in Show Creation:

During his interview, 2Mbili revealed that he played a role in the creation of the hit Citizen TV show, 10 over 10. Although he did not provide extensive details about his contributions, his statement suggests that he was part of the team that initially came up with the idea for the show. The revelation has piqued public curiosity and opened up discussions surrounding the show's foundations.

Exclusion from the Host Replacement Process:

2Mbili expressed his surprise at not being considered for the role of host after Willis Raburu's departure. He admitted that he had not received any communication inviting him for an interview or discussing the possibility of him assuming the hosting position. This omission has left him questioning the selection process and wondering why he was not given an opportunity to showcase his talent.

Unveiling the Show's Creation Timeline:

The comedian further alleged that he was instructed to wait after the idea was conceived before ultimately witnessing the show's launch with Willis Raburu as the host. While the exact duration of his alleged involvement remains unclear, 2Mbili's claims suggest a connection between his role in the initial stages and the subsequent development of 10 over 10. The timeline of events raises questions about attribution and recognition for creative contributions.

The Significance of Recognizing Ideas and Contributions:

The allegations made by 2Mbili shed light on the importance of acknowledging and crediting the individuals who contribute to the creation of popular media content. The creative process involves collaboration and collective effort, making it essential to honor the contributions of all involved parties. Recognizing the role of various individuals or groups can foster an environment of fairness and respect within the entertainment industry.

Transparency in Selection Procedures:

The exclusion of 2Mbili from the host replacement process for 10 over 10 raises concerns about transparency in talent selection. It is crucial for broadcasters and production companies to ensure a fair and inclusive process when choosing hosts or presenters for their shows. As the public becomes increasingly invested in the media they consume, transparency in selection procedures becomes more crucial in maintaining trust and supporting talented individuals within the industry.


Comedian 2Mbili's claims of involvement in the creation of Citizen TV's 10 over 10 show have brought attention to the origins and selection process of the popular program. His allegations of exclusion from the host replacement process after Willis Raburu's departure have sparked discussions about the recognition of creative contributions and the transparency of talent selection procedures. As the public seeks clarity on these matters, it becomes imperative for industry stakeholders to emphasize inclusivity, fairness, and transparency in order to maintain public trust and support the talented individuals shaping the entertainment landscape.


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